The Metropolitan Education Theatre Network

The Metropolitan Education Theatre Network

A Dream With A Cause

An important part of Zenaida and Ron’s journey has been their love for each other, since they were fifteen years old, and the love for their family, especially their children. This great love has extended to two special organizations. The non-profit organization, Metropolitan Educational Theater Network embraced their children as students in their program. Through professional and magnificent productions of popular musical plays like Wizard of Oz, Annie, Big River and others, MET2, as it is also known by, nurtured their creativity and strengthened their self-esteem to be successful in school and social settings. Mrs. Kathie Bretches-Urban has also shown love and compassion to their children, at times gifting them with tuition scholarships; for this they are forever grateful to Kathie and MET2. Palate Dalitez will continue to extend Zenaida and Ron’s love and support for this wonderful organization with annual donations through sales portions of dressings and marinades. For their dream to  come true, it is truly a blessing to be shared.

For more information please visit The Metropolitan Education Theatre Network.

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